Documenting Instructions
Install Conda
You can install Anaconda or Miniconda to install conda package manager (if you don't know the difference you should install anaconda).
Create documentation environment
Now we need to create the appropriate environment for documenting by installing all the necessary tools. To do so we have provided you an environment droplet, which is a recipe for a series of installations that create the aforementioned environment. For that, after directing to the root folder of this project where the environment droplet (environment.yml
) is located, you need to run the following command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Start Work on Documentation
After finishing your work on documentation you need to shutdown the server and deactivate the environment.
Activate the Environment
Now that you have created the appropriate environment, you need to activate the environment to be able to work inside it. For that, as you are in the root folder of this project, you need to run the following command:
conda activate spatial_computing_docs
If the command line is now indicating the name of the environment in parenthesis, it means that the environment is activated. Similar to this
(spatial_computing_docs) {your username}@{your computer name} spatial_computing_project_template %
Run the Local Server
Now that the environment is activated, we need to run the local server to be able to see the result of changes in the local version of the documentation website. For that, run the following command:
mkdocs serve
After running this command, if the server has started to work successfully, you should see the following line in the command line:
INFO - Serving on
This means that the server is accessible at
. If you open your browser and go this link you should see a local version of the site.
Writing Your Documentation
In the documenting process you need to head to the docs
folder and edit the .md
(markdown) files, since the website is build from these files.
In the root of this project, you can edit the configurations of your project in mkdocs.yml
- Adding o removing pages
- Add markdown extensions. Some of the useful extensions:
- arithmatex for writing mathematics
- highlight for code highlighting
- Customizing the looks of your documentation
- Adding MkDocs Plugins, such as:
- mknotebooks for including python notebooks in the documentations
Finish Work on Documentation
Server Shut Down
To shutdown the server, you need to press Ctrl+C in the command line. The following should appear in the command line:
INFO - Shutting down...
Deactivate Environment
After shutting down your server the command line is back to the normal state and you can run commands again. To deactivate your environment you need to run the following command:
conda deactivate
Deployment of the Documentation Site
Build and Deploy
to deploy your documentation website, you need to run the following command in the root of this repository:
mkdocs gh-deploy
This command will create a new branch in your repository called gh-pages
and build your site in it. It will then push the new branch to your remote repository automatically. It will also create a site
folder in your root directory containing all of your site files. Since this folder is added .gitignore
file, it won't be committed or pushed to the remote repository.
Setup GitHub Pages
For the first time, you need to configure the GitHub Pages service on your GitHub repository so it wil automatically build your documentation website whenever you deploy your site. To do this:
- Go to your repository setting,
- got GitHub Pages section,
- select
branch, - select
location, - click on the
The setting page will refresh, and now if you go to the address that is provided at the GitHub Pages section, Wola, here is your documentation!