Future Models is a seminar for Master of Architecture students. It accompanies the The Why Factory MSc Studio, at TU Delft. I have helped to create and teach this course in collaboration with Dr. Ir. Pirouz Nourian, Ir. Hans Hoogenboom and Ir. Karim Daw.
In this seminar, students are introduced to agent-based models as a design tool. They learn that instead of direct implementation of high-level and large scale decisions, they can focus on the formulation of local behavioural logic for agents and the overlaying behaviour of agents in a simulation can give rise to large-scale and high-level organizations and configurations.
- Students learn about the mathematical and computational necessary for basic geometric manipulation
- They learn about the basics of data-analyses in order to create a more realistic environment for agents.
- They are introduced to graph theory in order to model the relations of agents.